
Munich Retreats

Spend 4 days with other top notch teachers from around the world who are very serious about improving their teaching, organizing, & dancing skills. Trade dance techniques, get rejuvenated and re-inspired, network with each other, and remember what it feels like to be a student getting loads of information that will actually make a difference for you.

I know what it is like to feel like classes don't inspire you or don't challenge you anymore. I know what it is like to struggle to get jobs. I know what it is like to be overwhelmed with so many jobs you have to turn jobs down. The Teachers Retreat is designed to inspire you, challenge you, and help you solve your specific problems that you are having with your career as a dance teacher.

"I was nudged and challenged to consistently rethink my entire approach to dancing and learning...thereby finding better ways of teaching! Andrew gets to the heart of what it means to teach and through the workshops I went on a journey of peeling away the layers to reveal the purity of movement and communication. My passion for dancing and learning was taken to a whole new level and most important of was a wonderful, joyful celebration of the community we're all a part of. My only concern is...when's the next one?" Kavita Kaul, London, England on one of my mini-retreats for teachers

two possible Munich Retreats for you to attend:

  • March 8-11 (Tue-Fri) -staying in hostel/hotel & a little more expensive

  • March 27 - 31 (Sun-Thu) -less expensive & sleeping on mattresses in studio

What will the schedule be like?

  • The event starts @ 10am on March 8th (or 7pm on March 27th) and goes until the last day at 7pm. Everyone attending should be there for the entire event and expect to be intensely working or bonding for every moment they are not sleeping (or taking a small break).

  • The best way to understand is to look at this example schedule

Who is going?

  • Most of the participants are not decided yet. You MUST apply in order to be accepted. From these applications, I choose the best group of people for the event. I look for people who are going to fit well with the other participants, so you need to trust my judgment a little. My goal is to make the event at a level that is interesting for even the best of the best. I offer a moneyback guarantee and have never had anything but rave reviews.

  • You must take your dancing VERY seriously.

What will you learn at this retreat?

  • Very specific things that you want to work on that you are struggling with.

  • How to keep your student numbers increasing instead of decreasing from week to week.

  • The nine different ways to use your arms to improve your partner connection as a lead & follow.

  • How to explain and get your students to understand grounding.

  • How to keep your students light and still connected.

  • How to sell out your dance events

  • Dance Feedback - get private lesson style feedback from the other dancers in the group.

  • Analogies, Games, & Drills - Brainstorm 50+ ways to teach something like frame, natural leg movement, being grounded, etc...

  • Action Plans - Get things done in your life with the help of a partner. Improve your website or bio, figure out how to teach your beginner class more effectively, set up a plan to get something done that you know is important for your dancing. This is all about you!

  • Each participant teaches a class so the event also largely depends on the attendees. My goal is to figure out what is special about each participant and what they could teach better than most of the other participants.

  • I will try to keep it close to an even split between the following 3 subjects, improving your Teaching, Dancing, & Business of Dance... but my guess is that it will slightly favor improving your Teaching & Business of Dance.

  • More info here

Where will we stay & what is the cost for housing?

  • March 8-11: We will be staying at a hotel about 3 minutes walking distance from the dance studio. You can expect to pay about 50 euros per night.

  • March 27-31: We will be staying in the studio, Cats' Corner, Dachauer Straße 36-38, 80335 Munich, Germany

    • The price for housing will be 50 euros total for all nights... or FREE if you bring your own mattress, bedding, towel, & toiletries.

  • If you are worried about the cost, apply anyway and select the option "want to attend, not sure if I can afford it". Talk to me and I will see if I can work something out. I am a very reasonable and loving person. :-)

  • You get a 50 euro discount for each person that attends and writes your name down in the "Who referred you" box. Forward this email to teachers you know.

How much is the tuition for the retreat?

  • Please view this page to learn about the cost.

"I've taken business leadership and personal development classes for years, and seldom gotten as much out of those as I did out of the dance retreat. That's impressive, since those classes are often $3,000-5,000, and the dance retreat smokes 'em all for size and value. Too bad my colleagues don't dance!" Ted Maddry, Seattle, Washington

APPLY NOW - applying does not not bind you into attending, nor does it guarantee you can attend :-)